What is Lupus?

What is Lupus?

Lupus is an incurable, autoimmunue disease, which means your immune system, the body's defence system, produces antibodies that attack your body's own tissues, causing inflammation.

There are different kinds of Lupus -  Discoid, Systemic, Drug-induced and Neonatal

Discoid, also known as Cutaneous is limited to the skin.  This causes rashes and lesions across the face, neck, scalp and sometimes the body.

Drug-induced is caused by certain prescription drugs. Lupus-like symptons usually disappear after the medications are stopped.

Neonatal is not a true form of lupus. Its a rare condition that affects infacts of women who have lupus. After birth these lupus symptons completely disappear after several months with no lasting effects.

SLE stands for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Lupus is an autoimmune disease, which means your immune system, the body's defence system, produces antibodies that attack your body’s own tissues, causing inflammation. Lupus can cause various symptoms in many different parts of the body. Joint pains, skin rashes and extreme tiredness (fatigue) are the most common and some people will only have these symptoms – though they can still have a big impact on your life. Many people find that the symptoms come and go (remission and relapse). However, lupus can be more serious if internal organs such as the heart, brain or kidneys are affected. My lupus is severe as I have organ involvement.

Lupus is an autoimmune disease, which means your immune system, the body's defence system, produces antibodies that attack your body’s own tissues, causing inflammation - See more at: http://www.arthritisresearchuk.org/arthritis-information/conditions/lupus/what-is-lupus.aspx#sthash.N6G8Vk7C.dpuf

Lupus does not discriminate - ANYone, ANYtime, ANYorgan

  • Mild SLE. Many people with SLE just have joint and/or skin symptoms with tiredness. These are unpleasant but are not serious or life-threatening.
  • Moderate SLE. This includes some inflammation of other parts of the body apart from joints and skin. This may include pleurisy, pericarditis or mild kidney inflammation.
  • Severe SLE. In some cases, severe inflammation develops which can cause damage to organs such as the heart, lung, brain or kidneys. This can even be life-threatening.

My Current Diagnosis:
SLE - October 2014
Lupus Nephritis Stage V - February 2015
CKD Stage I - October 2014

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