Photos through the years before my 2014 flare
As I tell people lupus is much more than just a medical illness it also effects you physically, psychologically and emotionally. I've had to deal with the fact my body has changed in more ways than one. My feet have become swollen so I can't wear certain shoes, I tend to stick to tshirts and jeans which is very degrading and upsets me as I'd love nothing more than to have the confidence to wear more girly clothing. I rarely paint my nails because my tablets make them break easily and as for make up as seen in my previous post - its painful to wear.
I'm in a fashion crisis and I seriously need some help! My wardrobe is now 2/3s emptier than a year ago and I can't remember the last time I wore my beloved Vivienne Westwood shoes! Does any other lupie feel this way? Has latched on to one pair of jeans just because they are comfortable etc? I hope I'm not alone in this, my fashion mojo is officially lost, someone call google earth!
I'd love to wear the items below but whereas before I would have instantly brought them, now I'm doomed by conscious feelings of how they will fit, what will my body look like, will I be too bloated to wear them?
Honestly... I'm finding it really hard to feel amazing in clothes to the point where I'd rather be in home than go out just because of how I look. I need to adapt to my new body and this will take time I guess for now I carry on the search for my new look until then.....its good old topshop tshirt and jeans!